Poštovani doktore,
imam bolove u vratu. Uradila sam mri, živim u Americi pa je na engleskom. Imam 36 godina. Cervical vertebral body heights are within normal limits. There is minimal anterolisthesis of c7 with respect tot1. There are moderate degenerative changes in mid and lower cervical spine. There is disc bulge and posterior endplate degenerative change from c4-c5 through c6-c7. At c5-c6, there is a moderate posterior disc osteophyte complex on the left neural foramen narrowing and mild spinal steenosis. Conclusion 1. Moderate degenerative changes in the mid and lower cervical spine. 2. Moderate sized posterior disc osteophyte complex on the left at c5-c6. There is mild to moderate left neural foramen naroving and mild spinal stenosis at c5-c6.
Unapred zahvalna.
Pitanje broj: #26306
imam bolove u vratu. Uradila sam mri, živim u Americi pa je na engleskom. Imam 36 godina. Cervical vertebral body heights are within normal limits. There is minimal anterolisthesis of c7 with respect tot1. There are moderate degenerative changes in mid and lower cervical spine. There is disc bulge and posterior endplate degenerative change from c4-c5 through c6-c7. At c5-c6, there is a moderate posterior disc osteophyte complex on the left neural foramen narrowing and mild spinal steenosis. Conclusion 1. Moderate degenerative changes in the mid and lower cervical spine. 2. Moderate sized posterior disc osteophyte complex on the left at c5-c6. There is mild to moderate left neural foramen naroving and mild spinal stenosis at c5-c6.
Unapred zahvalna.
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